BITAREL BTL Hot Applied Joint Sealant

STB EN 14188-1-2009

BITAREL BTL Hot applied joint sealant Type N2 is composed of petroleum bitumen, polymer and target texturing agents.

Scope of application

BITAREL BTL Hot applied joint sealant Type N2 is used to seal contraction joints and cracks of all concrete and asphalt concrete pavements.


  • complies with the requirements of STB EN 14188-1-2009, type No. 2 “Joint fillers and sealants. Part 1. Technical requirements to hot applied sealants »;
  • high heat resistance;
  • low-temperature flexibility;
  • good adhesion to asphalt coating;
  • resistance to cyclic deformations;
  • water resistance;
  • ease of laying;
  • recyclability.

Base preparation

Prior to application of joint sealant, the asphalt surface should be free of dust, dirt, debris and oils. Under wet or ice conditions, the surface should be blown down with compressed air.

The area of the repairable crack should be dry and free of loose parts.

It is recommended to pre-coat cracks with BitaGrunt Bitarel primer.

Product preparation

The sealant should be heated in a mastic pot equipped with a mixer to a free flowing state of 160-180 °C.

Product application

The sealant is applied in a heated liquid state.

Sealant cooling may lead to shrinkage that requires refilling to be performed immediately after the first one.

Use the filling method to eliminate removal of excessive sealant.

Technical characteristics
Name of property Specified value Actual value
Softening temperature on ring and ball, °C, or higher 85 90
Depth of cone penetration, at 25 °С, mm 40 to 100 60-80
Radius of curvature Ø20 mm, 0С, max minus 10
Permeability and recovery (elasticity), %, min. 60 20-40
Yield resistance at 60°С, for 5 h inclined 75° from a metal surface, mm 3 1

Operating temperature limits: -15°С to +80°С
Average consumption: 1.1-3.8 kg/m2 considering width and depth of the repairable crack.
Types of packing: The sealant is supplied in siliconized boxes 15 kg in bulk or paper bags 25 kg and more.
Heating temperature limits, °С, max.: 160-180°С
Product is applied at ambient temperature, °C, min.: +3°С, sealant should be applied under dry weather conditions.
Density kg/m3: 1.1-1.2 g/cm3
Scope of supply: The sealant is supplied in siliconized boxes 15 kg in bulk or paper bags 25 kg and more.
Guaranteed storage life: 24 months
Transportation: Any type of transport
Storage: Keep dry and indoor or in places protected against direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitates.
Safety measures: Сombustible material

Manufacture’s recommendations

Do not heat the sealant to a temperature above 200 ° C to prevent thermal degradation processes.

Do not keep it in heated state for more than 8 hours.

Do not heat it more than 2 times.